Compter le nombre de cellule selon leur format


XLDnaute Junior
Bonjour à tous,

Comment faire pour, par exemple, compter le nombre de cellule dont l'ombrage est rouge dans une collone ?

Je vous remercie de votre aide,


XLDnaute Barbatruc
Re : Compter le nombre de cellule selon leur format

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SOURCE:Functions For Cell Colors
Counting Cells With A Specific Color

The following function will return the number of cells in a range that have either an Interior (background) or Font of a specified color. InRange is the range of cells to examine, WhatColorIndex is the ColorIndex value to count, and OfText indicates whether to return the ColorIndex of the Font (if OfText is True) or the Interior (if OfText is False or omitted).

Function CountByColor(InRange As Range, _
WhatColorIndex As Integer, _
Optional OfText As Boolean = False) As Long
' This function return the number of cells in InRange with
' a background color, or if OfText is True a font color,
' equal to WhatColorIndex.
Dim Rng As Range
Application.Volatile True

For Each Rng In InRange.Cells
If OfText = True Then
CountByColor = CountByColor - _
(Rng.Font.ColorIndex = WhatColorIndex)
CountByColor = CountByColor - _
(Rng.Interior.ColorIndex = WhatColorIndex)
End If
Next Rng

End Function

You can call this function from a worksheet cell with a formula like

Summing The Values Of Cells With A Specific Color

The following function will return the sum of cells in a range that have either an Interior (background) or Font of a specified colorindex. InRange is the range of cells to examine, WhatColorIndex is the ColorIndex value to count, and OfText indicates whether to return the ColorIndex of the Font (if True) or the Interior (if False).

Function SumByColor(InRange As Range, WhatColorIndex As Integer, _
Optional OfText As Boolean = False) As Double
' This function return the SUM of the values of cells in
' InRange with a background color, or if OfText is True a
' font color, equal to WhatColorIndex.
Dim Rng As Range
Dim OK As Boolean

Application.Volatile True
For Each Rng In InRange.Cells
If OfText = True Then
OK = (Rng.Font.ColorIndex = WhatColorIndex)
OK = (Rng.Interior.ColorIndex = WhatColorIndex)
End If
If OK And IsNumeric(Rng.Value) Then
SumByColor = SumByColor + Rng.Value
End If
Next Rng

End Function

You can call this function from a worksheet cell with a formula like

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