macro de recherche listbox transformer pour une listeview


XLDnaute Occasionnel
Bonjour à tous j'utilise une macro qui mer permet de faire une recherche sur une periode de date j'ulilise pour cela une listbox et cette macro

Option Explicit
Option Base 1

Dim TabGeneral As Variant
Dim TabRecup() As Variant
Dim rng As Range

Dim DerLigne As Long
Dim Lgn As Long

Dim DerCol As Integer

Dim X As Long

Dim DateDebut As Long
Dim DateFin As Long

Sub Search()
Dim Recherche As Object
X = 0
With USF1

If .R1 = "" Or .R2 = "" Then Exit Sub

If Not IsDate(.R1) Or Not IsDate(.R2) Then Exit Sub
DateDebut = Format(.R1, "00000"): DateFin = Format(.R2, "00000")
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

With Worksheets("BDD")
DerLigne = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
DerCol = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Set rng = .Range(.Cells(2, 1), .Cells(DerLigne, DerCol))
End With
With rng
.Sort Key1:=Range("A2"), Order1:=xlDescending, Header:=xlGuess
TabGeneral = .Value
End With
For Lgn = 1 To UBound(TabGeneral, 1)
If Format(TabGeneral(Lgn, 3), "00000") >= DateDebut And Format(TabGeneral(Lgn, 3), "00000") <= DateFin And TabGeneral(Lgn, 6) = USF1.Deb_Vac.Caption Then
X = X + 1
ReDim Preserve TabRecup(7, X)
TabRecup(1, X) = TabGeneral(Lgn, 1)
TabRecup(2, X) = TabGeneral(Lgn, 2)
TabRecup(3, X) = TabGeneral(Lgn, 3)
TabRecup(4, X) = TabGeneral(Lgn, 4)
TabRecup(5, X) = TabGeneral(Lgn, 5)
TabRecup(6, X) = TabGeneral(Lgn, 6)

End If

Next Lgn

With USF1.ListBox1
If X > 1 Then
.List = Application.Transpose(TabRecup)
ElseIf X = 1 Then
.Column = Application.Transpose(TabRecup)
End If
End With
End Sub

le probleme c'est que j'utilise aussi une fonction par mot clef et la j'utilise une listview
et cette macro
Dim i&, fin&
    If R3 = "" Then ListView1.ListItems.clear: Exit Sub
    fin = Feuil3.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
    mm = Feuil3.Range("A2:AH" & fin)
    For i = 1 To UBound(mm)
        For a = 1 To UBound(mm, 2)
            If mm(i, a) Like "*" & R3 & "*" Then mm(i, 34) = "oui"
        Next a
    Next i
    y = 1
    For i = 1 To UBound(mm)
        If mm(i, 34) = "oui" Then y = y + 1
    If y < 2 Then ListView1.ListItems.clear: GoTo 1
    ReDim bb(y - 1, 33)
    y = 1
    For i = 1 To UBound(mm)
        If mm(i, 34) = "oui" Then
            For a = 1 To 33
                bb(y, a) = mm(i, a)
            Next a
            y = y + 1
        End If
    Next i
    With ListView1
        .View = lvwReport
        .FullRowSelect = True
        .Gridlines = True
        For i = 1 To UBound(bb)
            .ListItems.Add , , bb(i, 1)
            For a = 2 To UBound(bb, 2)
                .ListItems(.ListItems.Count).ListSubItems.Add , , bb(i, a)
            Next a
        Next i
1   End With
End Sub
ma question est la suivante comment faire pour avoir les deux fonction sur soit dans listbox soit soit une listview.

merci d'avance de votre aide

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