WorkSheet_Change BUG


XLDnaute Occasionnel
Après utilisation d'un Worksheet_Change sur liste déroulante, ce dernier à buggé a tel point que plus aucun de mes WorkSheet_Change du classeur ne marche.

Ce bug a déjà été découvert mais je n'ai pas trouvé de personne a qui cela avait fait bug tous les WorkSheet_Change sans exception (même si macros différentes etc...)

Quelqu'un sait-il comment faire disparaître ce bug ?

Edit: Voici une réponse de Microsoft à ce sujet.

An update on this problem for anyone who stumbles across
it in a search.

After some discussions with MS, it appears that there is a
timing problem with Excel if you use Data Validation, a VB
function and a Worksheet_Change event that modifies a
range (any range) on the worksheet. If the VB function is
called using a value from the DV dropdown list (or any
data validation that fails), the Worksheet_Change event
will produce an error when trying to modify the range.

Randy Smith from MS came up with the workaround of putting
an Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual at the
beginning of the Worksheet_Change event and then an
Application.Calculate at the end.

Unfortunately, because you need to turn calculation to
manual, you'll have to create a WS_Change event (that just
does a Calculate) in every worksheet in your app.

I hope that helps! Thanks to Frank Kabel and Randy Smith
for their efforts.

Guillaume A.
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