Vérifier l’existence d'un fichier


XLDnaute Nouveau

J'ai écris (avec l'aide de membres du forum) un code pour générer un fichier à partir d'une template. Mais le code écrase sans demander de confirmation si le fichier existe déjà.
Je souhaite également verifier que le fichier que je vais créé n'existe pas dans tous les dossiers qui sont dans le répertoire de mon gabarit (voir image)


J'ai testé le code suivant, mais celà ne fonctionne pas :

Sub Sauvegarder()
    Dim sRep As String, sName As String, sDir As String, N As Name
    Dim F As Worksheet
    Set F = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Chart")
    sDir = ThisWorkbook.Path
    sName = F.Range("B2")
    If F.Range("B5") = "NO" Then
         sRep = "03 - Non conformités non avérées"
     ElseIf F.Range("B5") = "YES" Then
         If F.Range("D3") = "" Then
             sRep = "01 - Non coformités réelles non corrigées"
             sRep = "02 - Non conformités réelles corrigées"
         End If
         MsgBox "Problem with saving directory : " & vbCr & sRep
         Exit Sub
    End If

    mMissing = ""
    mSpare = ""

    If Chart.Range("B5") = "YES" Then
            'Infos manquantes
        If Chart.Range("B2") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Case number" & vbLf
        If Chart.Range("B3") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Name" & vbLf
        If Chart.Range("B5") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Non-conformity doc confirmation" & vbLf
        If Chart.Range("D2") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Date" & vbLf
                'Infos manquantes
        If Chart.Range("B7") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Catalogue concerned" & vbLf
        If Chart.Range("B8") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Truck range" & vbLf
        If Chart.Range("D7") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Standard concerned" & vbLf
        If Chart.Range("D9") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Time Estimated for correction" & vbLf
        'INFO DOC
                'Infos manquantes
        If Chart.Range("D11") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Doc Not Correct : Supposed Root Cause" & vbLf
        If Chart.Range("D12") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Doc Not Correct : Aim of the request" & vbLf
                'Infos en trop
        If Chart.Range("B11") <> "" Then mSpare = mSpare & "- Doc Correct : Supposed Root Cause" & vbLf
        If Chart.Range("B12") <> "" Then mSpare = mSpare & "- Doc Correct : Aim of the request" & vbLf
    End If
    If Chart.Range("B5") = "NO" Then
            'Infos manquantes
        If Chart.Range("B2") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Case number" & vbLf
        If Chart.Range("B3") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Name" & vbLf
        If Chart.Range("B5") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Non-conformity confirmation" & vbLf
        If Chart.Range("D2") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Date" & vbLf
                'Infos manquantes
        If Chart.Range("B7") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Catalogue concerned" & vbLf
        If Chart.Range("B8") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Truck range" & vbLf
        If Chart.Range("D7") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Standard concerned" & vbLf
        If Chart.Range("D9") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Time Estimated for correction" & vbLf
        'INFO DOC
                'Infos manquantes
        If Chart.Range("B11") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Supposed Root Cause" & vbLf
        If Chart.Range("B12") = "" Then mMissing = mMissing & "- Aim of the request" & vbLf
                'Infos en trop
        If Chart.Range("D11") <> "" Then mSpare = mSpare & "- Supposed Root Cause" & vbLf
        If Chart.Range("D12") <> "" Then mSpare = mSpare & "- Aim of the request" & vbLf
    End If

    If mMissing <> "" Then
        MsgBox "Your sheet is missing the following :" & vbLf & mMissing & vbLf & "Save Cancelled" & vbCr & "Please complete informations", vbExclamation, "Avertissement"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If mSpare <> "" Then
        MsgBox "Unneeded information in the sheet :" & vbLf & mSpare & vbLf & "Save Cancelled" & vbCr & "Please complete informations", vbExclamation, "Avertissement"
        Exit Sub
    End If

'Verification existance de la fiche
    If Dir(sDir & "/01 - Non coformités réelles non corrigées/" & sName & ".xlsx", vbNormal) = True Then
        Select Case MsgBox("Chart # : " & sName & " already exists in the directory 01 - Non coformités réelles non corrigées" & vbLf & "Do you want to continue?", vbOKCancel + vbInformation)
            Case vbOK
            'Ne rien faire
            Case vbCancel
                Exit Sub
        End Select
        ElseIf Dir(sDir & "/02 - Non conformités réelles corrigées/" & sName & ".xlsx", vbNormal) = True Then
        Select Case MsgBox("Chart # : " & sName & " already exists in the directory 02 - Non conformités réelles corrigées" & vbLf & "Do you want to continue?", vbOKCancel + vbInformation)
            Case vbOK
            'Ne rien faire
            Case vbCancel
                Exit Sub
        End Select
        ElseIf Dir(sDir & "/03 - Non conformités non avérées/" & sName & ".xlsx", vbNormal) = True Then
        Select Case MsgBox("Chart # : " & sName & " already exists in the directory 03 - Non conformités non avérées" & vbLf & "Do you want to continue?", vbOKCancel + vbInformation)
            Case vbOK
            'Ne rien faire
            Case vbCancel
                Exit Sub
        End Select
    End If
    Select Case MsgBox("Chart # : " & sName & vbLf & "will be saved in : " & vbLf & _
                sRep, vbOKCancel + vbInformation)
        Case vbOK
            With ActiveWorkbook
                For Each N In .Names
                Next N
                .SaveAs sDir & "/" & sRep & "/" & sName & ".xlsx", xlOpenXMLWorkbook
            End With
            MsgBox "Chart # : " & sName & vbCr & "was saved in :" & vbCr & sRep
            Windows("Argus NC Chart.xlsm").Activate
        Case vbCancel
            MsgBox "Save Canceled"
    End Select
End Sub

Est-ce que quelqu'un pourrait m'aider ?




XLDnaute Nouveau
Re : Vérifier l’existence d'un fichier

Personne pour m'aider ?
J'ai fait un bout de code aujourd'hui, celui-ci fonctionne tant que je suis en local, mais des que je passe sur le reseau intranet de l'entreprise, celà ne fonctionne plus...

    Dim sRep As String, sName As String, sDir As String, N As Name
    Dim F As Worksheet
    Set F = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Chart")
    sDir = ThisWorkbook.Path
    sName = F.Range("B2")

    If Dir(sDir & "/00 - Nouveaux dossiers/" & sName & ".xlsx") = "" Then
        Select Case MsgBox("Chart # : " & sName & " already exists in the directory" & vbLf & "00 - Nouveaux dossiers" _
        & vbLf & "Do you want to continue?", vbOKCancel + vbInformation)
            Case vbOK
            'Ne rien faire
            Case vbCancel
                MsgBox "Save Canceled"
                Exit Sub
        End Select
    ElseIf Dir(sDir & "/01 - Non coformités réelles non corrigées/" & sName & ".xlsx") <> "" Then
        Select Case MsgBox("Chart # : " & sName & " already exists in the directory" & vbLf & "01 - Non coformités réelles non corrigées" _
        & vbLf & "Do you want to continue?", vbOKCancel + vbInformation)
            Case vbOK
            'Ne rien faire
            Case vbCancel
                MsgBox "Save Canceled"
                Exit Sub
        End Select
    ElseIf Dir(sDir & "/02 - Non conformités réelles corrigées/" & sName & ".xlsx") <> "" Then
        Select Case MsgBox("Chart # : " & sName & " already exists in the directory" & vbLf & "02 - Non conformités réelles corrigées" _
        & vbLf & "Do you want to continue?", vbOKCancel + vbInformation)
            Case vbOK
            'Ne rien faire
            Case vbCancel
                MsgBox "Save Canceled"
                Exit Sub
        End Select
    ElseIf Dir(sDir & "/03 - Non conformités non avérées/" & sName & ".xlsx") <> "" Then
        Select Case MsgBox("Chart # : " & sName & " already exists in the directory" & vbLf & "03 - Non conformités non avérées" _
        & vbLf & "Do you want to continue?", vbOKCancel + vbInformation)
            Case vbOK
            'Ne rien faire
            Case vbCancel
                MsgBox "Save Canceled"
                Exit Sub
        End Select
    ElseIf Dir(sDir & "/04 -Historique 2010 - Ne pas utiliser - Tous fichiers confondus/" & sName & ".xlsx") <> "" Then
        Select Case MsgBox("Chart # : " & sName & " already exists in the directory" & vbLf & "04 -Historique 2010 - Ne pas utiliser - Tous fichiers confondus" _
        & vbLf & "Do you want to continue?", vbOKCancel + vbInformation)
            Case vbOK
            'Ne rien faire
            Case vbCancel
                MsgBox "Save Canceled"
                Exit Sub
        End Select
    End If

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Merci d'avance


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